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KratomWorx Premium Kratom

KratomWorx is a manufacturer of Premium Kratom Products located in Dallas, TX. We have a wide variety of types and strains available. From Red Maeng Da for pain to Gold Bali Extract to give you that extra boost. All of our products are ethically sourced and fully lab tested for purity and quality.

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Shipping Restrictions

At the present time due to state and local regulations we can not ship to the following states Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Tennessee, and Wisconsin. We also can not ship to San Diego, CA, Sarasota County, FL, or Jerseyville, IL. Even though California, Florida, and Illinois are legal on the state level these local cities have banned Kratom in their jurisdictions. We appologize for the inconvenience. If your state/locality is on this list please contact your government officials and tell them to lift the ban on Kratom as it helps a lot of people with very little side effects


General Kratom Information

Kratom comes from a tropical tree which grows in many parts of southeast Asia. The leaves of the kratom tree have medicinal properties. Kratom has been used for centuries in southeast Asia. Recently we have begun using it in the USA to help with anxiety, pain relief, energy, focus, and relaxation.

In small doses Kratom improves alertness and energy. It helps with concentration at work and stimulates the brain.In higher doses Kratom causes the body to relax and helps with sleep. Too high of a dose can cause excessive sleepiness, however. Also keep in mind that some Kratom lasts for up to 8 hours. So, if taking a higher dose for sleep make sure you can get 8 hours uninterrupted or you may wake up groggy.

There are many different types and strains of Kratom. Navigate this site for information on the Types and strains we carry as well as information on how to reach us to place an order

For more detiled information on the benefits of Kratom check out our Kratom Information Page

Store Locator

Below is our store locator. You can pick up KratomWorx at any of the retailers listed,


      Check Out Our Sister Company Currently Manufacturing Delta 8
